Friday, March 26, 2010

The Meaning of Truth In Life

In the world there may be a thing called truth.

Maybe there are many people who try to always seek the truth.
Maybe there are so adventurous to seek the truth.
Thinking this way and that.
Think this is better than the others ...
Trying review
Is this more correct?

Comrade ...
I confess here
I'm not a smart and knows many things.
I'm also not a smart who can really understand the meaning of truth.
I do not know much.
Few ...

I do not really understand the meaning of a truth

But one thing I know
And I believe

In the truth there must be love
In the truth there must be peace
In the truth there must be no suspicion
In the truth there must be no hatred
In the truth there must be no teaching of the doctrine to degrade other
In the truth there is no doctrine to raise the truth itself.

Is there truth our name even if we suspect the other groups?
Does the truth even if we are called to be extreme and reject others?
Is the truth his name if I did not see the fruits of both emanating from it?
To be sure there is absolute truth from All Mighty God, 
because in this world truth can be in back and forth